Monday, December 3, 2012

PHEOC Write Up

What is the impact of different amounts of water inside a can do to the crushing ability?

I believe that the amount of liquid inside the can will affect the crushing ability. My thoughts on my reasoning are; If the liquid inside the can increases the pressure and the volume it will make the cans ability to crushed a little harder. I think the less liquid you have in a can the more the can will be crushed. I believe this because if you have a can filled with little liquid the little amount of liquid is going heat up faster creating that gas in less time. Then when you put the can in cold water there is less hot boiling liquid for it to change degrees and so it has the most crushing ability.

Experimental Design:
1.      Bunsen Burner
2.      Goggles
3.      Measuring Tube
4.      Metal Pliers
5.      20 Cans (For Multiple Mistakes and Trials)
6.      Bucket (Filled with Cold Water)
7.      An available Sink 

CV: Temperature of the Water inside the can, Size of the Can, Time over the Bunsen burner after you've seen the vapor, The Temperature of the water inside the bucket that you dump the can into
IV: The amount of  water inside the can
DV: The volume of the can (Crushed)

In order to properly test my hypothesis, I gathered all of the needed equipment and headed to the Academy Counter Space. First you need to put on your safety goggles, and set up all your materials including your 20 cans, bowl, Bunsen Burner, measuring tube, and pliers. Then you will need to fill the bowl with cold water. After a teacher has connected the Bunsen Burner to the Gas Plug, you are almost ready. Grab the measuring tube and filled it up with 5 milliliters of water(starting water amount) then you will need to grab one of your cans and fill it with the water inside your measuring tube. Next ignite your Bunsen burner grab your pliers and your can. Take your pliers and pick up the can. Now your experiment starts. Hold the can over the flam of the Bunsen Burner so that just the tip of the flame is touching your can. Wait a few minutes until you see water vapor spouting from the top of the can once you see this it is very important that you admittedly count to ten. Once you hit the number 10 you will then tip your can into the bowl of cold water. This part of the experiment needs to be consistent. When you tip your can into the bowl it will need to go straight into the water inside the bowl. After you tip your can into the bowl of water it will be crushed. The volume of your can after its been crushed will depend on the amount of water inside your can at the start of the experiment. You will need to have multiple trials for your experiment. Each water amount (5,15,30,45, and 100 milliliters) will need to have 3 trails. When you have all your data needed after all of the trails have been completed you should record all your data and observations.

Conclusion and Analysis:
 I wanted to test whether or not the amount of liquid inside a can would affect the crushing ability. In my hypothesis I stated that the can would be affected, and with less water inside the can the more crushing ability it would have. With my results my hypothesis was supported. The cans that were filled with 5 milliliters of water held 77 milliliters of water after the experiment ( the cans usually hold 350 milliliters).  As the amount of water inside that can increased the water it held after the experiment would also increase meaning it had less of a damaging crush.

After further research, I figured out the true reason why the can crushes more with less water. It deals with Charles and Boyles Law. When you hold your can over the Bunsen Burner it starts to steam, creating water vapor. When this happens your molecules inside your liquid are spreading apart (Into a Gas). When you tip your can into the cold water the molecules instantly become closer together like a liquid, bringing the can with it. The reason smaller amounts of water create a more damaging crush is because the water has more space in the can for the molecules to spread out when it turns in to a gas.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

The Real Christmas

Authors Note: Since Christmas is coming faster than ever I wanted to write something that reflected Christmas time. In this piece I worked on my descriptive language so you can have a clear picture in your mind. Please enjoy!

Christmas is a time of joy and warm hearts. Every Sunday kids wait to receive the toy ads so they can mark up the pages with their wishes for Christmas. Everywhere you go you see trees, wreaths, and lights. How can one not get excited when you visit the mall where the holiday spirit fills the stores? The sound of Christmas music playing and the smell of cookies fill each and every house. Presents slowly make their appearance beneath the pine needles of the annual Christmas tree.

There are so many family traditions and friendly gatherings that the excitement begins to fade. By the time Christmas arrives people are so sick and tired of buying presents, baking cookies, and wrapping gifts. Could it be that the real meaning of Christmas is lost? Many find themselves forgetting why we even celebrate this holiday in the first place.

Christmas is not all about cookies or decorations; it is about the birth of Jesus. Born in a stable and lied in a manger, he brought love and compassion to the world. Enough love that that he died on a cross so we could be saved. Christmas is a time to give and to love just as Jesus did to us. If one finds himself losing joy when buying presents, it may mean that he has forgotten the real meaning of Christmas.

Cookies, decorations, wreaths, gifts, and trees are all apart of Christmas. It’s the delight of these Holiday traditions  that resemble Jesus because he gave us the ultimate gift. The ultimate gift of salvation!

Monday, November 19, 2012

Debate 2012

Authors Note: On Tuesday, November 6th Mckena Stocks and I conducted a debate. I wanted to post this video on my blog because I wanted other students that couldn't sit in the debate to be able to watch it. The special technique I used on this video was what I call the "Two Vision Take" meaning I used two videos of the same debate and mashed them together to make one debate video.

Monday, September 10, 2012

The Girl in the Castle

Authors Note: When I started writing this piece as a stream of consciousness I had the vision to have it be a very long writing piece. During my writing though I talked to Mr. Johnson and he told me some advise "longer is not better" then after that meeting I realized if I leave my story as it is it will have this suspense and mystery to it, that a longer story would not have had. In this short story I am working on my content of my writing.
Waking up I feel the sun beating on my face almost as a natural alarm clock. My senses are awaking as I hear birds chirping and the smell of my delectable breakfast being prepared. Now slipping out of bed in my purple satin pajamas I slid onto the floor and gather myself. Standing up I walk to the bathroom and splash cold water on my face. Breathing heavily from the freezing water ,I look in mirror and face myself. Why should I be set apart from the world trapped inside this dungeon like Rapunzel. I am not Rapunzel I am not waiting for my king to save me. I'm 13 and needing to live my life my own way not being over looked by my parents and stuck in this castle.
I get to go outside once a day only when the guards are on duty other wise I am kept in side like an animal at the zoo.When I was little I had fun in this castle running around in my new dresses and having adventures but since the "Attack" everything has changed. Things became more protected for me. My friendships were broken apart because of my parents wanted to keep me safe. Even things so small effected my whole life. There's only one way to change my life around… To escape. I have been planning my escape to leave this dreadful castle since a year after the attack. "KNOCK KNOCK Breakfast is ready" coming back to reality I had realized I was still looking in the mirror. Gathering my thoughts and emotions, I put on my slippers, walked to the kitchen and joined my parents for breakfast completely putting away all thought I had before.